These courses are open only to those individuals who have already completed Polygraph training. For scheduling dates, please contact the Administrator’s Office.

Entrance Requirements


Both study facilities and course curriculum have been approved by the American Polygraph Association. Ultra modern facilities are equipped with video monitoring/taping capabilities for effective teaching and student study aids.


Each applicant must be of verified good reputation and meet one of the following:

  1. Sworn member, either active or former, of a federal, state or local law enforcement agency
  2. Minimum high school diploma or equivalent


Ten week program: (10) week on-campus training


Course fee is $5000.00 which covers all teaching manuals, instruction and lab supplies. Tuition must be paid in full by the first day of class, unless otherwise approved by the Administrator's Office. A $750.00 non-refundable registration fee is required with each completed application. This fee will be applied to the tuition upon applicant's acceptance and entrance into the Academy.


A Certificate of Completion will be presented to each graduate upon successful completion of the course. In addition, each graduate will be extended an opportunity to qualify for the American Polygraph Association membership.

Class Hour Assignments

1 History & Development 8
2 Mechanics of Instrument Operation 16
3 Maintenance & Calibration 8
4 Physiology 20
5 Psychology 20
6 Polygraph Techniques 45
7 Test Question Formulation 38
8 Interviewing & Interrogation Procedures 40
9 Test Data Analysis 48
10 Polygraph Skills & Practicum 80
11 Ethical & Legal Aspects 8
12 Report Writing 8
13 Specialized Studies 16
14 Elective Instruction 45
  TOTAL in-class HOURS 400


In Class Study Schedule 2025



Mar 10th - May 16th

Sep 8th - Nov 14th


Monday - Friday

8am - 5pm 


Dismissal/Suspension and Re-Admission Policy

Attendance Policy
Each student must also have been present in class Attendance for a minimum of 100% of class hours (10 weeks total) and have completed a minimum of 60 minutes in chart time.

Excusal From Class
A student may be excused from class for reasons of illness, family emergency or court testimony. Excusal must be approved in advance by the Director who will schedule when remedial action for the training deficit will be scheduled.

A student will be dismissed from the course due to scholastic failure or consistent absence.

The Academy has no provision for suspension.

The student will be required to prepare a letter to the Director explaining his/her reason for seeking re-admission, and indicating the corrective action taken in order to re-qualify for admission.

Refund Policy

If a student fails to complete the course, tuition (excluding the non- refundable registration fee) will be refunded as follows:

Withdrawal during the first week of class: 75% Refund

Withdrawal during the second week of class: 25% Refund

Withdrawal during the third week of class: 0% Refund

Graduation Policy

The INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY of POLYGRAPH takes pride in aligning itself with a superlative caliber of instructional staff and faculty, as well as a comprehensive curriculum which is its teaching foundation. This winning training philosophy has been most evident through the years in the consistency of high test scoring of the Academy’s students while in training, and in the superior performance they demonstrate as they administer examinations in the public and private sectors, following graduation.

To achieve these goals, the INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY of POLYGRAPH’s criteria for evaluating graduation status is as follows:

Each student must pass examinations in History, Psychology, Physiology, and Instrumentation with a minimum grade of 75%. Additionally, the Final Examination must also be passed with a minimum grade of 75%.

The Cumulative totals of all examinations taken during Training must not average less than 75%.

Each student must also have been present in class Attendance for a minimum of 100% of class hours (7 weeks total) and have completed a minimum of 60 minutes in chart time.

Please contact us for further information. To download an application click here.

Successful graduation of this basic polygraph course is not the only prerequisite for membership in the American Polygraph Association, American Association of Police Polygraphists, or the Florida Polygraph Association. Each graduate is required to complete the basic polygraph course and successfully meet the requirements of membership as specified by the aforementioned associations.